Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Posteru!

So, yesterday was my first foray into actually programming with Project Darkstar (You know, really think more of this MQP should have been around this, but unfortunately, things don't always work the way you want to). So programming in Darkstar CAN be easy, but it had quite a learning curve, which is why I'm glad that we're making "get your feet wet" beginner tutorials. It's very difficult making a set of isolated tutorials about Project Darkstar, though, and looking back on it, they're in a slightly incorrect order.

-You absolutely cannot set up a Project Darkstar project that interacts with users without using the persistent storage, so perhaps that should have been first (although actually using the persistent storage without user input seems useless).

-You absolutely cannot use Channels without the persistent storage.

-You can, however, use Tasks without any of the above. So, a proper tutorial order could have been:

Tasks (although you can't make any useful tasks without users, channels, or storage in an isolated Darkstar example)
Persistent Storage (Although you can't store anything useful or convicing without users)
Users (You'd have to revise your task to do something useful, or create a new task)
Channels (You'd have to yet again revise the task to do something useful).

Our current project order is Users, Persistent Storage, Channels, and Tasks. We tell the user to just bear with us during the users portion.

Anyway, off I go to work on a detailed project description.

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